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Multiplexed Fiber Spectroscopy with Keck & TMT

Multiplexed Fiber Spectroscopy with Keck & TMT

Where: Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA 
When: Jan 18-19, 2018 
Official website: 

Massively multiplexed fiber-based spectroscopic surveys such as MaNGA and eBOSS are continuing the SDSS legacy of exploring the Universe, while upcoming facilities such DESI and Subaru-PFS will push the boundaries of fiber spectroscopy to even higher redshifts and fainter sources. It is therefore an opportune time to consider this concept for the Keck and TMT Observatories, with >500 fiber multiplexed spectrographs currently being considered for both facilities.

The aim of this two-day workshop, co-organized by Lawrence Berkeley Lab, University of California Observatories, and the Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, is to discuss the technical aspects of designing/building multiplexed fiber spectrographs as well as the scientific possibilities opened up by such instruments on >10m-aperture telescopes.

The feedback from this meeting will help drive the preliminary designs for the FOBOS and fiber-WFOS concepts on Keck and TMT, respectively.

Day 1 (Thursday, Jan 18) will be a technical meeting, with a focus on the DESI design experience and how it could inform Keck and TMT fiber instruments. We will also discuss fiber sky subtraction/reduction, robotic positioner design, microlens/fore-optic design, and ground-layer adaptive optics.

Day 2 (Friday, Jan 19) will be a science workshop for potential users of multiplexed fiber instruments on Keck and TMT users. We will begin with overviews of the Keck-FOBOS and TMT-WFOS fiber concepts for scientists, and discuss possible science applications and how these should influence the design of the instruments. In particular, we would be interested in determining the science drivers for the multiplexing, FOV, fiber aperture sizes, possible MaNGA-like IFU options, for both Keck and TMT fiber instruments.

Registration is mandatory. Whether you are planning to attend in person or remotely, please register here. Please do so at least 1 week in advance to allow us to organize site access. Remote dial-in info will be provided near the meeting dates. There is no registration fee.

For further questions, please contact Khee-Gan Lee (kglee at lbl.gov).

  • Category: Conference
  • Date: January 18th, 2018 - January 19th, 2018
  • Time: 09:00AM -05:00PM
  • Location: Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA