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Shedding Light on the Dark Universe with Extremely Large Telescopes

The registration for the “" conference in UCLA in 2-6 April 2018 is now open. 

Early registration deadline: 4 January 2018
Regular registration deadline: 2 February 2018

This will be the second installment of a three-part conference series aimed at gathering input from the dark matter and dark energy theory, phenomenology, and observational communities to optimize the operations and instrumentation at future extremely large 30-m class optical infrared telescopes. The conference aims to address the following questions:

  • What are the most promising observations that will be enabled by giant telescopes? What capabilities are required?
  • What are they key synergies between giant telescopes and other facilities? What are the areas and topics where a concerted effort will yield far superior results than the sum of all parts?
  • What theoretical work is needed in preparation for first light? What are the limitations in our understanding that need to be overcome? What calculations are required in order to make testable predictions and interpret the results of future astronomical observations?

The first meeting of the series was held in Lanzhou China, and the third and final one will be held at ICTP Trieste Italy, 2-6 July 2018

  • Category: Conference
  • Date: April 2nd, 2018 - April 6th, 2018
  • Time: 09:00AM -05:00PM
  • Location: UCLA, California, USA