
Tmt comp background

Image Gallery

Cover image   rendering only
August 15th, 2017

Artist rendering of TMT Observatory on the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (ORM) in La Palma. The image shows the operations facility adjacent to the telescope. A viewing gallery will be built next to the main entrance, within the facility building, available to all ORM visitors who want to see the giant telescope from up-close. ORM is the alternate site for the Thirty-Meter-Telescope; Maunakea, in Hawaii, still being currently the official site where TMT will be built.

Telescope with cutaway enclosure b
May 18th, 2017

A 3D rendering of the Thirty Meter Telescope showing the telescope pointing vertically inside its enclosure. The full telescope structure is visible, with a 30 meter diameter segmented primary (M1), an active secondary (M2) and an articulated tertiary mirror (M3). Science instruments are mounted on the two large diagonally opposed Nasmyth platforms surrounding the telescope. Another platform supporting the M1 segment handling system is also shown, as well as the vertical servicing platform to access M2 and M3. This rendering shows excellently how the structure of the telescope has been compactly designed to fit within its minimal size enclosure.

Telescope with cutaway enclosure a
May 18th, 2017

A 3D rendering of the Thirty Meter Telescope showing the telescope pointing vertically inside its enclosure. The full telescope structure is visible, with a 30 meter diameter segmented primary (M1), an active secondary (M2) and an articulated tertiary mirror (M3). Science instruments are mounted on the two large diagonally opposed Nasmyth platforms surrounding the telescope. Another platform supporting the M1 segment handling system is also shown, as well as the vertical servicing platform to access M2 and M3. This rendering shows excellently how the structure of the telescope has been compactly designed to fit within its minimal size enclosure.

India optics facility blessing
March 8th, 2017

Construction of the Center for Research and Education in Science and Technology (CREST) on the outskirts of Bangalore, India.

March 6th, 2017

Complete prototype assembly with an aluminum dummy mirror, instrumented with accelerometers for vibration testing.

Asp elevator
February 6th, 2017

Aerial Service Platform (ASP) to access M2 and M3 plus Elevator

Tmt fredkamphues 16fkc09856
February 2nd, 2016

Thirty Meter Telescope Primary Mirror Segment. The TMT primary mirror includes 492 hexagonal segments, each about 1.44 meters (56.6 inches) across corners. The segments are closely spaced, with gaps between the segments only 2.5 mm (0.1 inch) wide. The segments will be made from Ohara Clearceram zero expansion glass ceramic. The glass will be 45 mm thick (about 2 inches). Each segment has a support system that holds it in position without distortion from gravity. Twenty-seven thin flexures are attached to the back of the mirror and the weight of the segment is reacted by a whiffletree lever system that spreads the load in the correct proportions to avoid distorting the shape of the segment. The lateral support (required when the telescope points towards the horizon) is provided by a central metallic diaphragm recessed into the glass.

Tmt primary mirror blanks
July 28th, 2014

TMT primary mirror blanks, produced by OHARA in Japan.

Side view of tmt complex %281%29
February 4th, 2011

Side view of the Thirty Meter Telescope

Displaying entries 13 - 22 of 22 in total