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Astronomical Arms Race: The Battle for the Biggest Telescopes

In this clip from This Week in Space, Dr. John Mulchaey, Director of the Carnegie Observatories, discusses the "Big Glass Wars" - the competition to construct the next generation of enormous ground-based telescopes. Learn about the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) and the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), their incredible size and segmented mirror design, and the cutting-edge science they will enable.

Courtesy of TWiT.tv providing news, reviews, and perspective on the latest trends in digital tech.

Astronomical Arms Race: The Battle for the Biggest Telescopes

In this clip from This Week in Space, Dr. John Mulchaey, Director of the Carnegie Observatories, discusses the "Big Glass Wars" - the competition to construct the next generation of enormous ground-based telescopes. Learn about the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) and the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), their incredible size and segmented mirror design, and the cutting-edge science they will enable.

Courtesy of TWiT.tv providing news, reviews, and perspective on the latest trends in digital tech.