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TMT Primary Mirror Segment Support Assembly Integration

TMT Primary Mirror Segment Support Assembly Integration

Work is underway at TMT Project Lab. near Pasadena. In this time-lapse from October 3, 2019, TMT engineers are integrating one of the first USA Segment Support Assemblies (SSA). Each SSA contains 537 precision mechanical components, sensors and actuators.
SSAs will hold in place each one of TMT 492 primary mirror segments. They will support the segment in translation and rotation and will let each segment be positioned in real time to maintain the best possible imaging capability.

TMT Primary Mirror Segment Support Assembly Integration

TMT Primary Mirror Segment Support Assembly Integration

Work is underway at TMT Project Lab. near Pasadena. In this time-lapse from October 3, 2019, TMT engineers are integrating one of the first USA Segment Support Assemblies (SSA). Each SSA contains 537 precision mechanical components, sensors and actuators.
SSAs will hold in place each one of TMT 492 primary mirror segments. They will support the segment in translation and rotation and will let each segment be positioned in real time to maintain the best possible imaging capability.