
Tmt comp background


TMT Site Characteristics Webinar, 8 July 2020

"Thirty Meter Telescope Site Characteristics: A comparative study of Maunakea and the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory",  hosted by Christophe Dumas, Matthias Schoeck and Warren Skidmore (TMT) and sponsored by the TMT Science Advisory Committee. The webinar features a 30 minute presentation describing the scientific description of both sites and the status of the TMT in the Astro2020 process.

TMT Site Characteristics Webinar, 8 July 2020

"Thirty Meter Telescope Site Characteristics: A comparative study of Maunakea and the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory",  hosted by Christophe Dumas, Matthias Schoeck and Warren Skidmore (TMT) and sponsored by the TMT Science Advisory Committee. The webinar features a 30 minute presentation describing the scientific description of both sites and the status of the TMT in the Astro2020 process.