
Tmt comp background


Interview of Dr. Angel Otarola, TMT Instrument System Scientist

Communication "Pasadena en Espagnol", an information ressource for Spanish speaking community in the Pasadena area, published an interview with Angel Otarola during the AstroFest event in July 2018. Angel presents the capabilities of TMT Project, one of the most cutting edge projects that will study scientific research into the Universe. He also speaks about his contributions to inspire the next generation of scientists.

Courtesy of Isabel Ramirez, Pasadena en Espagnol.


Interview of Dr. Angel Otarola, TMT Instrument System Scientist

Communication "Pasadena en Espagnol", an information ressource for Spanish speaking community in the Pasadena area, published an interview with Angel Otarola during the AstroFest event in July 2018. Angel presents the capabilities of TMT Project, one of the most cutting edge projects that will study scientific research into the Universe. He also speaks about his contributions to inspire the next generation of scientists.

Courtesy of Isabel Ramirez, Pasadena en Espagnol.