
Tmt comp background


TMT Blanks long journey from Japan

Twenty seven TMT blanks trucked out of National Astronomical Observatory's Mitaka Campus in Tokyo, Japan on November 17, 2017.
They began their long journey across the Pacific Ocean.

Nippon Express provided expert work with the forklift to carefully load the blanks into the truck.  These are not ordinary 4-ton truck with special suspension. Instead of 2.8-ton capacity, they are boosted to 6-ton capacity, thus are able to accommodate 9 blanks per truck. The containers are adorned with “fragile" warning tapes but also shock indicators (red, yellow and green circles).

Courtesy TMT-J Project Office.

TMT Blanks long journey from Japan

Twenty seven TMT blanks trucked out of National Astronomical Observatory's Mitaka Campus in Tokyo, Japan on November 17, 2017.
They began their long journey across the Pacific Ocean.

Nippon Express provided expert work with the forklift to carefully load the blanks into the truck.  These are not ordinary 4-ton truck with special suspension. Instead of 2.8-ton capacity, they are boosted to 6-ton capacity, thus are able to accommodate 9 blanks per truck. The containers are adorned with “fragile" warning tapes but also shock indicators (red, yellow and green circles).

Courtesy TMT-J Project Office.