
Tmt comp background

Request for Proposal

VCAM Opto-Mechanical Final Design, Fabrication, Integration, and Test

The TMT Project (“TMT”) is requesting proposals for its upcoming Visible Camera (“VCAM”) Opto-Mechanical (“OM”) Final Design, Fabrication, Integration, and Test effort. 

Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the specifications and instructions provided in the attached RFP.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, you must notify TMT of your interest and qualifications by March 19, 2018. Given the significance and sophistication of this effort, TMT will be confirming that Respondents are qualified before releasing the RFP Exhibits (the “Background Information”). The qualification requirements are provided in Section 4.2 of the RFP. 

NOTE: Exhibit K is not part of the Background Infomration.  However, it is inaccessible from this web page.  If you would like to receive Exhibit K, please send your request to pratheep@tmt.org and the RFP Presentation will be provided via email.

The RFP, its exhibits, and any referenced documentation are subject to change. The information in the RFP is provided for the sole purpose of enabling qualified Respondents to develop and submit their proposals.

Direct all RFP questions to Pratheep Eamranond (pratheep@tmt.org) and Corinne Boyer (cboyer@tmt.org). TMT requests that all questions be submitted by March 27, 2018 – 5PM Pacific Time. Questions submitted after March 27, 2018 may not receive a timely response. While TMT shall take reasonable measures to keep the source of RFP communications confidential, TMT reserves the right to disclose the general content of its communications with all other Respondents to ensure fairness and the dissemination of useful information.

The submission date and time for the proposals is May 8, 2018, 5:00pm Pacific Time.

We thank you for your interest in the TMT Project and hope you will participate in our RFP.


The TMT Project