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The outreach team of the US Extremely Large Telescope Program including staff from TMT, GMT, and NOIRLab was present at their booth during the NSTA Conference in Denver, Colorado, from March 20 to March 23, 2024. Image credit: US-ELTP 

TIO joined the National Science Teaching Association in Denver

TMT and all US Extremely Large Telescope Program partners participated in the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) conference in Denver in March 2024.

The US-ELTP booth showcased an engaging visual and interactive experience highlighting the capabilities and scientific objectives of the collaborative effort between the Thirty Meter Telescope, the Giant Magellan Telescope, and NSF’s NOIRLab. The partners introduced new materials such as model kits, career profiles, and additional STEM education resources to educate visitors about the diverse roles and individuals required to achieve results in STEM.

For more information on NSTA, please visit

US-ELTP booth at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference in Denver, CO

Thirty Meter Telescope Structures Group Leader, Kyle Kinoshita and Valerie Hirschberg from Giant Magellan Telescope Community Outreach joined US-ELTP Outreach Team to inform science teachers and educators of the US-ELTP and how it will shape the next generation of major ground-based observatories. Image credit: US-ELTP 

US-ELTP outreach team at the National Science Teaching Association Conference in Denver, Colorado, 20-23 March 2024

The US Extremely Large Telescope Program outreach team staff the booth in the expo hall of NSTA and present STEM education materials. Image credit: US-ELTP

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International Collaboration Enhances the TIO Project