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TMT Science and Instrumentation Workshop: 'Astronomy in the TMT Era'

TMT-Japan announces a two-day workshop, in Tokyo, Japan, October 16-17, 2013.

The workshop will consist of talks and discussions exploring TMT science with first-light and future instruments. Included will be a broad range of discussions on new results, new interpretation and theory, and explorations with clear implications about the best usage of TMT in the era of 30m-class telescopes. The program will also include a discussion of 2nd generation instruments, to further develop exciting TMT capabilities to meet diverse scientific needs.

The workshop serves as an opportunity to bring together the Japanese astronomical community and the greater TMT project, promoting the development of international collaborations for science and instrumentation. Following the workshop, the TMT Science Advisory Committee (SAC) will meet in Tokyo on Oct. 18.

Participation will be limited to 120 attendees. Please confirm your interest by by September 20, 2013.

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