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Canada Funding for TMT Announced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Earlier this week Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the Government of Canada’s intention to provide significant support for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), an international project that will build one of the world’s largest and most advanced astronomical observatories in Hawaii.

Canada will provide $243.5 million to toward completion of the project construction. They join California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the science institutions of China, India, and Japan as partners in the project to develop build one of the world’s largest and most advanced astronomical observatories in Hawaii.

Harper stated, “It was a pleasure today to announce the Government’s support for the Thirty Meter Telescope project. This revolutionary facility has the potential to transform astronomers’ understanding of the universe. Our Government is proud to be an official partner in this important project and to be contributing to science that will advance Canadian and international scientific discovery.”

“The TMT is the top priority in Canada’s Long Range Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics, our roadmap to continued international leadership in this field. Canada’s astronomers will point to today’s announcement for decades to come as a critical moment in furthering our excellence in the field,” said Christine Wilson, President of CASCA and Co-Chair of the Coalition for Canadian Astronomy.

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