
Tmt comp background


Eliot Arts Magnet Academy's Science Night
January 28th, 2020 Community Engagement

TMT participated in the 3rd and biggest Annual Science Night of Eliot Arts Magnet Academy on Friday January 24th.

TMT Tertiary Mirror Passes Preliminary Design Review
January 22nd, 2020 Engineering & Technology

Pasadena, CA, January 13, 2020 – The design of the Thirty Meter Telescope’s Tertiary Mirror (M3) recently passed the first part of its Preliminary Design Review, which took place over two days in November 2019.

Primary Mirror Segment Production has started at Coherent
January 21st, 2020 Engineering & Technology

Coherent Inc., one of the world’s leading providers of lasers and laser-based technology, is now ready to polish all of the TMT primary mirrors segments to be manufactured in the United States.

Displaying news articles 21 - 23 of 23 in total