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Observation planning tools


The TMT Observatory and its partners are planning and developing a full suite of user support tools and documentation needed for proposal preparation, pre-observation planning, observing quick-look tools and post-observing data reduction. The development of these tools is based on existing best practices at large international observatories. Direct support to users will be provided via a helpdesk by the observatory's Science Operations Staff and TMT partners through all stages of their proposal lifecycle.


Observation planning tools to model the AO system performance and allow selection of the AO guide stars that will return the best AO performance will be needed when preparing observations. Planning tools will also capture all instrument configuration, target information, calibration information, limitations for atmospheric conditions and other observation information, e.g. dithering, integration time, etc..

More details can be found at the NFIRAOS page on Adaptive Optics Observation Preparation

The IRIS Exposure Time Calculator includes full PSF modeling and is designed to assist with the development of science cases and eventually with proposal planning.


Observation planning tools for WFOS are being planned and developed. Tools will support target selection and instrument configuration, selection of guide stars, requirements for atmospheric conditions, calibration, etc..


Observation planning tools for MODHIS are being planned and developed. Tools will support target selection and instrument and NIFIRAOS configuration, requirements for atmospheric conditions, calibration, etc..