
Tmt comp background

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Img 0543
April 19th, 2021

Highly protected and covered by optical paper, the roundel is ready to be shipped to TIO’s storage facility.

Img 6514
March 12th, 2021

On March 3, 2021 in Tucson AZ, AOS successfully demonstrated the metrology system they have built to measure the aspheric prescription of the TMT primary mirror segments. This test set uses a full-aperture reference surface and a Fizeau interferometer to measure the curvature of the off-axis segments. This test set will guide the Ion Beam Figuring process which will bring the TMT segments to their final surface figure requirements.

Hex cut niaotchina2016
February 3rd, 2021

Each TMT segment must be cut into a hexagonal shape and carved at critical dimensions for lodging high precision support components known as the central diaphragm and two edge sensors on each side.

Coherent tmt photography hires 2
February 3rd, 2021

Coherent production facility dedicated to TMT Polishing and Hexing processes.

January 26th, 2021

TMT’s general and emergency lighting system provides illumination of the telescope floors and platforms, telescope access paths and walkways for the specific telescope work areas in the Telescope elevation structure, azimuth structure and fixed structures including the primary mirror cell structure.

January 20th, 2021

Professor Eswar Reddy provided a tour of the new facility and presented an update of the project development to the Vice President of India and several members of Parliament.

Itoff building dimensions 1
January 20th, 2021

The three-story building of nearly 3,600 square meters is a world class optical facility dedicated to TMT primary mirror segments fabrication.

Itoff collage
January 20th, 2021

The Vice President of India with distinguished Professors of the India Institute of Astrophysics and India-TMT members participated in the opening ceremony and were guided in viewing the new building on 29 December 2020.

Slide integration building1
November 13th, 2020

New integration facility for NFIRAOS, TMT first light Adaptive Optics (AO) at NRC-HAA research center in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, where NRC-HAA and industrial subcontractors are developing NFIRAOS. The building will allow the integration and test of NFIRAOS with its first light instrument IRIS. This is illustrated in the top right figure, which shows a CAD rendering of NFIRAOS and IRIS installed in the building.

October 26th, 2020

CAD drawing of three GMS fixed laser trackers (circled orange) mounted on the telescope elevation structure and 3-view drawing of Laser Tracker #1 .

September 8th, 2020

TMT’s fully-automated CO2 snow cleaning in-situ process will use four robotic arms carrying spray nozzles that will produce CO2 snow to drive any dust particle off the primary mirror surface. The cleaning system will move the arms across the surface of the mirror at a uniform distance and controlled speed.

Displaying entries 157 - 168 of 315 in total