
Tmt comp background

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Img 9774 edited
December 11th, 2019

Two TMT Primary Segment Assemblies fitted with aluminum mirror segments have been successfully installed into the Multi-Segment Integration & Test facility at the TMT lab.

Figure1 reduced
December 9th, 2019

Group picture of TMT Science Forum 2019, held on the campus of Xiamen University in China, November 2019.

Figure4 left hros workshop edited
December 4th, 2019

The science cases and instrument design of one of TMT’s first decade instruments, the High Resolution Optical Spectrograph (HROS) were discussed during a workshop on the day before the Forum in China. This workshop was aimed at facilitating the definition of HROS main science requirements and the building of its core science team.

Pics collage
November 4th, 2019

TMT was at "Explore Your Universe" (EYU) event at UCLA on Sunday November 3, 2019. A fun day with an overflow of kids experiencing TMT virtual reality walkthrough and a lively discussion with numbers of interesting questions. The 11th annual EYU event was a huge success, with positive feedbacks and rewarding interaction with the local community.

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October 15th, 2019

From left: Francisco Delgado, John Rogers, Marianne Cox (Giant Magellan Telescope Organization), Gelys Trancho, Jason Weiss, Jimmy Johnson and Kim Gillies. Remote participants: Edward Chapin (National Research Council Canada, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics)

September 30th, 2019

From left: Neeraj Gupta (IUCAA), Angelic Ebbers (Gemini North Observatory), Kevin Tsubota (W.M. Keck Observatory), Gelys Trancho, Mark Bowman (Las Cumbres Observatory), Jimmy Johnson, Matthias Schoeck, Sujit Punnadi (IUCAA), Kim Gillies, Hiroshi Terada, Lianqi Wang, Mark Sirota, Gary Brack (Jet Propulsion Lab) - Remote participants: Chris Mayer (Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope) and Dan Kerley (National Research Council Canada)

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September 16th, 2019

TMT Senior Opto-Mechanical Engineer, Alastair Heptonstall, positioning the portable CMM, an advanced metrology system used to measure and check the feature locations of TMT M1 aluminum segments that will be integrated in the mirror cell platform at the Monrovia technical lab.

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August 22nd, 2019

TMT's relative size is small given its mirror size.

Poster tmt forum2019
August 21st, 2019

Registration is open for the 7th annual TMT Science Forum to be held on the campus of Xiamen University, in China. Scheduled for November 4-6, 2019, make your plans and come to attend the next TMT Forum and get an update on the Thirty-Meter-Telescope design and construction. For more information, please visit: https://conference.ipac.caltech.edu/tmtsf2019.

Tmt logo
June 14th, 2019

This image demonstrates the excellent capability of CILAS' deformable mirror (DM) to control the wavefront of the light that will feed TMT instruments after correction by TMT’s Adaptive Optics system NFIRAOS.

March 4th, 2019

The Indian large optics facility will be dedicated to TMT primary mirror segment production: grinding, polishing, hexagonal cutting and support assembly mounting.

Displaying entries 193 - 204 of 315 in total