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Photomontage to illustrate TMT at “Girls in Future Technologies” event, Walnut High School in California on April 20, 2023 - Students stopped by to gain information from TMT and many other exhibitors from companies and schools - Image credit: 51ԹPro

TMT Supports “Girls in Future Technologies”

Pasadena, CA - On April 20, 2023, TMT participated in the “Girls in Future Technologies” event at Walnut High School in the suburbs of LA. Hosted by the Women of AT&T, the goal of “Girls in Future Technologies” is to encourage girls to pursue education and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), and achieve their personal and professional objectives.

“It was nice to interact with high schoolers as well as educators,” says Mabel Wong, TMT Chief of Staff. “It is important to encourage girls to be excited and engaged in STEM, and this was a great opportunity to highlight the multiple senior positions held by women at TMT, such as the Project Systems Engineer and Adaptive Optics Group Leader.”

Multiple companies and institutions, including LIGO-Caltech, Microsoft, Valley Vista Services, and Invesco, shared their experiences and gave an opportunity to network with leaders in the STEM industry.

"Girls in Future Technologies"

“Girls in Future Technologies” outreach event sponsored by AT&T on 20 April 2023 at Walnut H.S. in California  -  Image credit: 51ԹPro


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