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Video recording of TMT Science webinar held on 27 April 2023. View Video Page

TMT SAC Webinar Series #2: TMT Science Instrument Capabilities

Following the first Science webinar held in January 2023 and providing a status update of the Thirty-Meter-Telescope (TMT) project, the TMT Science Advisory Committee (SAC) and TMT project organized last month a second webinar, this time about the science instruments capabilities of TMT.

The webinar provided the most up-to-date information about the design of the telescope first light instruments, their observational capabilies, as well as an overview of the future instruments that will be deployed during the first decade of operations.

TIO’s Science Instruments Group Leader Dave Andersen provided an overview of the instrumentation and adaptive optics program at TIO. Professor James Larkin (UCLA, IRIS PI), Professor Chuck Steidel (Caltech, WFOS PI), Dr. Eric Peng (NOIRLab, WFOS PS), and Professor Dimitri Mawet (Caltech, MODHIS PI) gave a detailed description of their respective TMT first light instruments. Finally, Professor Masayuki Akiyama (Tohoku University, SAC Chair) concluded the webinar with the SAC perspectives on future instrument development.

The webinar program was as follows:

  • Overview of the TMT instrumentation (David Andersen) (~15 min)
  • Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) (James Larkin) (~25 min)
  • Wide Field Optical Spectrometer (WFOS) (Eric Peng, Chuck Steidel) (~20 min)
  • Multi-Objective Diffraction-limited High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph (MODHIS) (Dimitri Mawet) (~25 min)
  • Overview of the SAC discussions on future capabilities (Masayuki Akiyama) (~15 min)


Over 100 persons connected to this webinar, which was given on two dates (April 25 and April 27) to allow attendance across multiple time zones in Asia and North America. Note: Both webinars had an identical content.

Below are links of the video recording and slides of the webinar held on 27 April 2023 15:00–17:00 (Pacific Time) 18:00–20:00 (Eastern Time).

Presentations Slides: Instruments OverviewIRIS, MODHIS, WFOS

 (same as above)


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