Statewide Poll Results Show Strong Support for TMT
November 9th, 2015
On the following pages are the results of a statewide scientific public opinion poll conducted in October 2015 by Ward Research, Inc., an independent research firm based in Honolulu, Hawaii. Total sample size was n=613 residents, 18 years of age and older, conducted via both cell phone and landline. The poll quota sampled for key demographic characteristics (e.g. age, ethnicity, gender, and island of residence). The demographics of the sample match the demographics of Hawaii based on Census data. The margin of error is +/- 4%.
Among the key findings:
- 88% of Hawaii residents agree there should be a way for science and Hawaiian culture to co-exist on Maunakea
- 75% of Hawaii residents agree that TMT has followed a lengthy approval process, including permitting, community meetings and environmental impact statements,so work should proceed
- 74% of Hawaii residents agree that TMT will help create good paying jobs and economic benefits for those living on Hawaii Island
- 63% of Hawaii residents agree that a failure to move forward with TMT after following all regulations would hurt Hawaii’s reputation as a place to do business 62% of Hawaii residents support moving ahead with the construction of TMT
- 59% of Big Island residents support moving ahead with the construction of TMT
- Support for TMT’s construction is split among Hawaiians/part Hawaiians, with 49% of those polled opposing the project and 44% supporting the project
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