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TMT Common Software Team in front of ThoughtWorks Office in Pune, India.

TMT Common Software Production Begins

Earlier this month, production of the TMT Common Software (CSW) was launched at ThoughtWorks Technologies in Pune, India. The TMT Project Office, the Indian TMT Coordination Center and ThoughtWorks gathered together for a kick-off meeting to discuss implementation activities. The CSW includes the software required to integrate the TMT subsystems and establish the software communication backbone and interfaces necessary for observatory-wide configuration, command, control, and status reporting.

After a detailed overview of the TMT Project Observatory and the Observatory Software, ThoughtWorks engineers dived into the technical design details of three of the CSW services: location service, configuration service and logging service. The initial step of software development was completed, and the implementation process will start immediately. ThoughtWorks team members began detailed discussions on continuous integration, verification process, acceptance testing and deployment to the TMT software teams.

The project management process and the communications plan have been well defined. “It is fantastic to have the opportunity to engage so many professionals in the development of TMT Common Software,” says Kim Gillies, TMT Software Architect.

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